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Another long overdue update

Well..... it's been awhile!!  I think about 5 months since my last blog update. In that time, we have by and large been on the up and up. Emma went back to school for April - June of her Grade 6 year and did really well, jumping back in and tackling the schoolwork and social learning curve with her usual determination. We are very proud of her positive attitude, sensitive nature and ability to talk about what is going on for her. She has been having a fantastic summer and is excited to start Grade 7 in a normal fashion next week!  Alex finished the school year off very well, with a great report card and great friends that he has enjoyed keeping in touch with over the summer. We are so proud of him for staying steady and staying focused on the routine and touchstones during what was a difficult time for him. Seeing your sister go through cancer treatment and then having her and Mom basically disappear for 3 months is HARD. We all have a lot to process and unpack individually and tog

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