Another long overdue update

Well..... it's been awhile!! 

I think about 5 months since my last blog update. In that time, we have by and large been on the up and up. Emma went back to school for April - June of her Grade 6 year and did really well, jumping back in and tackling the schoolwork and social learning curve with her usual determination. We are very proud of her positive attitude, sensitive nature and ability to talk about what is going on for her. She has been having a fantastic summer and is excited to start Grade 7 in a normal fashion next week! 

Alex finished the school year off very well, with a great report card and great friends that he has enjoyed keeping in touch with over the summer. We are so proud of him for staying steady and staying focused on the routine and touchstones during what was a difficult time for him. Seeing your sister go through cancer treatment and then having her and Mom basically disappear for 3 months is HARD. We all have a lot to process and unpack individually and together as we move forward. But the wonderful part is that we are moving forward. Generally, he has also been having a really fun summer filled with soccer, swimming, birthday parties and more soccer! 

This summer for all of us has been absolutely wonderful, from tons of backyard swimming; playing with friends; going to Campfire Circle Family Camp; going to a farm to ride horses; going to besties' cottage; going to PEI to the family cottage; and finally this week going to Circle R summer camp. The kids have been having a great time and this summer fun has been very important and restorative for all of us. 

Emma has remained medically well and is building herself up physically. She continues to go to Post-transplant clinic once a month, where they do bloodwork and we update them on how well she is doing. Her chest port was removed back in June, which was a great milestone among many. Her one-year re-birthday is right around the corner (19 Sept) and we are hoping to plan a low-key street party to celebrate and mark the occasion. With the one-year mark, she can begin to get re-immunized, on the same schedule as what a newborn would, starting with 'dead' vaccines (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis etc...) and at the 2 year mark, can start with the 'live' vaccines (most importantly measles). 

I'll keep the update short, but inundate it with photos, which show the joy and growth that has been happening. 

Also - don't forget that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month! There are a lot of events happening out there - one that we will be doing as a family and would love for anyone to join is the Childcan Pajama walk. You can join our fundraising team (click here - team is called Emma's Army) for this and we'd love to see you out on Saturday Sept 21 for the walk at Springbank Park!

Chris and Alex took a very impromptu trip to Miami to watch Messi play in March! 

Emma and I at the ChildCan gala in March 💖

Emma getting to ride Mediiwin for the first time at Circle R 💕

Family trail ride at Circle R

Chris and Emma on Canada Day 

Alex caught a good one! Look at that beautiful smile! 

Campfire Circle Family Camp - about to do the high ropes!

At our friend's parents' farm - Emma riding Isabella 💗

Petting Isabella at the same farm - pure joy on Emma's face!

Riding at SARI - tacking up Topaz

At the Bowman's cottage - such a wonderful weekend! 💖

The BowMoons

Arriving in PEI (Alex ducked out of the picture)


Mom organized a wonderful riding lesson and trail ride on the Island (Venture Stables)

Beautiful sunset

Sandspit amusement park in Cavendish

Obligatory PEI family selfie

Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary dinner at Dalvay By the Sea

Tubing!! So fun! 


Family tie dye


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